Tune in to your mind, body and nature.
Private yoga instruction designed to help you slow down and reconnect with the world around you. Sessions incorporate nature's elements, seasons, lunar cycles, and more to meet your individual needs. You will receive hands-on instruction with guided pranayama, asana and meditation practices to fulfill your goals with a nature-based spin.
Each session includes:
* 60 mins guided practice with pranayama, meditation, asana, & journaling
* Hands-on assists
* Mat & props
* Instruction tailored to your goals
$70 / session
(Sliding scale: $40/55/70)
Align your life with the moon's cycles.
This is a one-month ritual program -- four weekly 60 minute sessions (4 hours total) -- to support you in setting intentions, working towards goals, practicing gratitude, and unwinding for the next month.
We'll use the tools of journaling, yoga, pranayama, meditation, & ritual work to sync up with the guiding power of the moon's cycles.
Program includes:
* 4 hours of lunar instruction (Four weekly sessions at 60 mins each)
* Guided yoga, pranayama, meditation, journaling & ritual work
* Check-ins & support throughout program.
* Hands-on assists
* Ritual tools (including candles, journal & pen)
* Mat & props
* Tailored to your specific goals
$300 / full program
(Sliding scale: $150/225/300)
$80 / single drop-in session
(Sliding scale: $50/65/80)

Walk slowly and mindfully through nature to regain peace in the mind and refresh the body.
We meet outside and train the mind to be aware of breath, movement, the senses, and the environment.
Receive guidance on pranayama, mindful walking, silent walking, and other techniques you want to practice. Walks take place in various parks around Richmond. We will determine our spot together.
Each session includes:
* 45 minute guided meditation walk
* Pranayama practice
* Walking meditation techniques
$60 / session
(Sliding scale: $30/45/60)